Political Is Persona Ep12 — Beyond Survival: Between War, Politics, and the Earthquake

In this episode, we unpack the intersectional dynamics of natural disasters, conflicts, and the politicisation of aid, through the experiences of inspiring Syrian women who witnessed and participated in the […]
Political Is Persona Ep10 — Unpacking The Root Causes of Violence: Between Syria, Yemen, and Palestine

This episode features a powerful conversation with feminist activists from Palestine, Syria, and Yemen who’ve been tirelessly working for feminist peace across the region. Their perspectives on the harsh realities […]
Political Is Personal Ep9 — Breaking the Silence Barrier: A Glimpse into Enforced Disappearances in Yemen and Syria

The episode sheds light on the phenomenon of enforced disappearances in conflict contexts from a gender perspective. We explore the experiences of detained women and relatives of the disappeared in […]
The Effectiveness of Women with Disabilities in Public Affairs

This research paper by Zenobia looks into the reality Syrian women with disabilities, and the intersectional challenges standing in the way of their participation in public affairs and decision making […]
Women’s Voices in Light of Israel’s Colonial Occupation and Structured Apartheid (2021/2022)

This report, produced by the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC), reveals Israel’s institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination based on testimonies of Palestinian women, and examines […]
Covid-19 and Gender justice: Feminists in MENA Defying Global Structure Failure

This report highlights the compounded risks facing women’s rights and feminist organisations, and is designed to provide multi-disciplinary stakeholders and activists at both regional and international levels with a concrete […]
Covid-19 and Gender Justice: Feminists in MENA Defying Global Structure Failure

Amid COVID-19, partner organisations and feminist activists from Palestine, Syria, Yemen, and Egypt came together to shed light on the complex consequences of conflicts, failed governing systems, exclusive and gender-blind […]